How Parkly Revitalizes Urban Spaces

Transforming parking spaces into vibrant public places
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    City of Lucerne
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Revitalising Lucerne: Parkly modules transformed parking spots into vibrant, multifunctional public spaces to enliven a community.

Community Impact: Residents now enjoy new communal areas for relaxation and socialising, enhancing the city’s walkability. It also creates opportunities for people to linger, and use local services.

Sustainable Design: Emphasis on green solutions contributes to environmental well-being and urban aesthetics. Cities are rethinking their riversides and waterfronts, and considering an uplift of what it’s used for as valuable public spaces.

In the picturesque city of Lucerne, renowned for its preserved mediaeval architecture and surrounded by stunning natural landscapes, there’s a small yet transformative project underway. This initiative involves Parkly in collaboration with the City of Lucerne, aims to convert underutilised urban areas, particularly parking spaces, into vibrant, green, and multifunctional public zones.

The challenge
Lucerne’s commitment to promoting walkability includes an ambitious plan to enhance the quality of urban life. The challenge was to create practical yet attractive spaces that encourage more foot traffic and leisure in the city centre. Parkly was commissioned to introduce a new design that would not only meet these needs but also be adaptable to future evolution.

The solution
Parkly responded with a selection of urban furniture, designed to be combined and form an installation in the space. These products are designed to be:

  • Modular and Adaptable: Easily configurable to fit various urban spaces and needs.
  • Multifunctional: Serving as seating, green spaces, and social gathering points.
  • Aesthetic and Practical: Enhancing the visual appeal of the area while providing a practical function.

Data collected post-implementation shows:

  • Increased duration of use of the transformed space.
  • Broad demographic engagement, from young adults to seniors.
  • High traffic during peak times, indicating successful integration into the daily lives of residents.

“The new spaces have brought a new life to Lucerne’s city centre, making it a more attractive destination for both tourists and locals,” says a city official. Residents echo this sentiment, noting the positive changes in their daily routines and interactions.

Urban revival: 

Enhancing attractiveness: The project has significantly increased the area’s appeal, drawing more visitors and enriching the local community’s lifestyle.

Project flexibility: The adaptability of Parkly’s designs allows for ongoing modifications and enhancements based on community feedback and use patterns.

Environmental and aesthetic contributions: The addition of greenery not only improves the appearance of the space, but also contributes to the city’s sustainability goals, helping reduce urban heat and promote biodiversity.

Get involved:
Interested in seeing similar transformations in your area or collaborating with Parkly on a project? Have a look at one of our other project cases where we enhanced a riverside

Or, be in touch to explore how Parkly’s modular urban furniture can propel your transformation project forward.